Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Leaving Dunedin, Back to Queenstown

Taken with iPhone
Up early at 8:00 am not to anxious to get going today. Off to Cadbury for morning snack of hot chocolate and a sweet bun. Check out of room at 11 and sit in the very small lobby on the internet until my taxi comes at 1:00 for the 1:40 bus back to QT and the Rees for one night. Taxi is $6.50 to the bus station. My travel agent booked and paid for my travel, hotels and tours. So I just need to show up!  

Most of the way back I slept on the bus. The rolling hills here remind me a bit of the Poconos. Nothing too high, just green and sheep!

I was greeted at the Rees by Heidi! She was still here after her helio flight was cancelled because of the weather. She just sat in the lobby all day editing photos, and she had some good ones too.  I ventured off to town for a small dinner since I'll be all day on the bus to Franz Josef tomorrow. I went to Speight's brew house so I could try the beer too. Unfortunately they no longer brew the wheat as it is out of season. So I'm settled on a summer ale that is light and tasty. The tv has a rugby game playing and I still don't get the rules. I have seen several games and might have to ask someone about the game.

Everywhere in NZ serves water and it is much better than I thought it would be because it is spring water. My meal is called chicken parcels. Chicken, peaches, bacon and cheese in phylo with aioli and sliced almonds and crunchy potatoes. It was delicious. I have not had a bad meal here but there is still time! This is the second time I have had chicken and peaches in a sauce and I've got to try and make it at home. The other time was at Giordano's in Kennett.

I need to rearrange my suitcases to get everything back in place. That is tonight's mission. 

A boring day coming up tomorrow with a bus ride from QT to Franz Josef. Leaving here at 8:00am and arriving at 4:30. I hope we stop at some good fruit stands on the way.

Good night all.

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